von Beust & Coll. Beratungsgesellschaft

Integrity and transparency

All affiliates of von Beust & Coll. are required to subscribe to the values of transparency, responsibility, trust, mutual respect, democracy and the rule of law. The firm fosters a culture of integrity, both internally and with its clients. The advice and representation of interests provided by von Beust & Coll. are independent, thorough and underpinned by verified information and professional analyses. Von Beust & Coll. represents the interests of its clients to its addressees openly and transparently and is listed in the Lobby Register of the German Bundestag under registration number R002027. In the EU Transparency Register, vBColl is listed under registration number 479298022355-68.

Von Beust & Coll. or its managers or partners are members of various organisations including the SPD Economic Forum (Wirtschaftsforum der SPD), the CDU Economic Council (Wirtschaftsrat der CDU) and Green Economic Dialogue (Grüner Wirtschaftsdialog). The colleagues in the firm are also socially, politically and civically engaged in a wide variety of ways. They are required to avoid any potential, actual or apparent conflicts of interest or to disclose and actively manage them. The management has taken measures to ensure a strict separation between the firm’s professional activities and other political offices, mandates and functions. This includes ruling out, in writing, the giving of any professional advice where there is a potential conflict. Any conflicts that might possibly arise must also be brought to the attention of both parties so that they can be avoided in accordance with legal regulations and reporting requirements and the practices and traditions of other organisations and administrations.

The von Beust & Coll. consulting firm upholds the principles of the de'ge'pol Code of Conduct as well as the Code of Conduct for Interest Representatives under the Lobby Register Act and likewise the EU Transparency Register and lives a culture of integrity.

Von Beust & Coll. does not take on advisory mandates for the alcohol, cigarette or arms industries, nor for any companies or institutions significantly under the influence of states in which the basic principles of the rule of law are not complied with.

From decades of experience, we know the value of an objective and trusting exchange between political circles and associations.